a few poems

Utter Silence 

So quiet 

It makes noise 

A ringing static

You can hear 

Fizz through the air 

Tickling your eardrums 

Giving you that feeling 

That something is missing


Something so statuesque in the form 

Beauty beyond time 

Beauty in essence

Yet something filthies the frame

Like a tea-stained letter 


Bones are gray and yellow where white should be

Skin lost for smoothness 

Made rough and dirty 

By the times 

Everything poisoned and dulled 

Dead or dying.

Food and water are virtually useless

Unless cancer is the goal

An undeniable destination


Even the sun 

Our greatest life source 

Causes cancer. 

Even the sun 

Has cancer. 

It is to expand and grow

Swallow itself and everything else 


Sad world 

Where things are no longer allowed their full beauty


With ears underwater 

The world is white noise 

I hear the thump of my heart 

A faint, constant woosh 

Echoed breathing

The sounds of living 

Have you ever heard a 


Parallel to the pulse 

A mechanical beating 

As if I am just the illusion of human 

Some device 

Unknown to me 

Tick tick ticking away